CBD, sometimes known by its formal name Cannabidiol, is among the most widely used alternative medicines for many ailments. The most common usage for CBD is to reduce inflammation, but a growing market has been using the product to control migraines and headaches. Let’s go through some CBD basics and then get into its use as a migraine reliever.
What is CBD?
CBD is one of more than 100 cannabinoids found in hemp plants. Cannabinoids are a large group of compounds, some of which are psychoactive, while others are not.
Before we go any further, we should make a distinction between hemp and marijuana plants. Hemp plants are the male version of the cannabis plant, while marijuana is the female version. Only female plants produce high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the compound that produces the “high” feeling of marijuana.
You can find CBD in both hemp and marijuana plants, but hemp has high levels of CBD and low levels of THC. That’s why manufacturers only use hemp to extract CBD.
Why is CBD So Popular on the Wellness Market?
CBD has become popular in the wellness field because it’s natural and an alternative to prescription drugs that may have negative side effects. CBD has few side effects, and they tend to be mild, such as fatigue and dry mouth.
More Reading: CBG Oil & Focus
There are few studies on the effects of CBD, but its main benefits are:
- Anticonvulsant
- Anti-inflammatory
- Pain reliever
- Anti-anxiety
- Anti-nausea
- Sleep aid
One issue with CBD is regulation. According to the FDA, some CBD manufacturers and distributors market their products in violation of FDA guidelines. In some cases, they aren’t fully disclosing ingredients. Always purchase safe and trusted CBD products.
CBD for Migraines and Headaches
CBD is gaining traction in treating migraines and headaches because of its known benefits. Pain relief, anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties will all help treat the symptoms of a migraine or severe headache.
To see if this is the case, we should look at both clinical trials and anecdotal evidence. Luckily, the number of CBD trials increases every year, so there is more evidence than ever.
Research Results & Clinical Trials.
Ongoing trials are underway to prove the efficacy of CBD in treating migraines, but preliminary trials point toward a strong correlation between CBD use and a reduction in length and severity of migraines.
Although no conclusive study has shown a causal link between CBD use and migraine reduction, few studies test the effectiveness of CBD treatment.
A study posted to the National Institutes of Health indicates that, for some headache sufferers, CBD is among the best treatments. That study needs a randomly controlled placebo group to verify the results of the study.
Another study has shown the effectiveness of CBD and other cannabinoids in treating all forms of pain, including headache pain.
There are also studies in progress to determine whether you can take CBD as a prophylactic treatment for headache pain. Prophylactics work to prevent disease before onset even occurs. Although these trials are promising, they haven’t released results.
Anecdotal Evidence
Countless anecdotes about the effectiveness of CBD have been posted online in recent years. Since the compound has become more mainstream, the number of people using and commenting on it has risen dramatically.
Some patients who used opiate pain relievers in the past report having similar pain-relieving effects from CBD without the negative side effects. Other headache sufferers report fewer headaches in general and fewer severe attacks when they do occur.
The New York Times has articles outlining the benefits various patients received when they started using CBD products. Not all of these patients were headache sufferers, but it proves the various therapeutic uses of CBD.
Natural Ingredients—CBD Oil
CBD can come in a liquid form known as CBD oil. The liquid isn’t the result of CBD production, but rather, it’s a carrier oil. That means the oil isn’t the CBD itself. The CBD is simply inside the oil.
The most common form of oil in CBD oils is hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is a good source of:
- Vitamin C
- B Vitamins
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Amino acids
Then, of course, the oil also contains the extracted CBD compound and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids.
Types of CBD Products on the Market
As we outlined above, CBD can come in an oil, but that isn’t the only way to consume CBD. One common CBD product is CBD-infused skincare products. These products allow for CBD to absorb through your skin rather than consuming it.
Another type of CBD product is pills. These pills are usually gel-caps filled with CBD oil. With these, you won’t need to swallow a mouthful of oil to get your CBD.
There are also CBD vapourisers and marijuana strains. The CBD vapes don’t contain any THC, but you still consume it by breathing in a vapour. CBD strains of weed do contain THC but in comparably small amounts. You’ll still get the “high” feeling, but it won’t be as intense as normal strains of marijuana.